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The private health sector in Somaliland is critical in the delivery of health services, despite poor regulation and minimal public sector or health development partner support. Current government programme focus mainly on public facilities and private not-for-profit (PNFP) providers.  Prior to the formation of Healthnet there was a lack of private health sector coordination, communication and cohesion mechanism as well as skepticism towards the private sector has affected the sector.  However, fragmentation amongst the private health providers (PHP) providers and over the health professionals, loosely grouped in numerous associations and groups persisted. This fragmentation and lack of one voice resulted in the exclusion of PHP from the Ministry of Health and development partner programs, as well as policy consultations.

Despite challenges in financing, capacity building and mechanisms to monitor or enforce standards in the quality of care, over 65- 70 % of health services are still sought from the PHP sector.

To address these challenges, and the need to establish a private health sector umbrella body, the Somaliland Healthnet was formed in 2020 by dedicated health and social scientist professionals.



A wealth of expertise




Business Basis

The Healthnet was set up as an enterprise owned by individuals from the health sector. It aims to assist and serve low income Somalis and willing to abide by the network rules.  The Health facility owners will be members and will be required to pay an agreed membership fee in order to join the network and the fee will be utilised for operational costs within the network and to ensure sustainability of the project.

Healthnet as per its draft bylaws will offer shares with shareholding structure for Healthnet members in the majority, with minority shares set aside for the possibility of financial investors taking an equity stake. New members will also be offered the opportunity to purchase shares. The organisation will be able to carry out trading activities based on its by-laws. Healthnet charges fees to its members; revenues for the Healthnet secretariat are driven by the membership fees and margins on pooled procurement of reagents, supplies and equipment. The pooled procurement system will be developed and will be the primary revenue driver and the key to long term sustainability.

The health network is expected to increase the chances of business success because healthcare providers are associating with proven products and methods and also offering consumers the attraction of a certain level of quality and consistency because it is mandated by the newly “Healthnet” brand agreement. These changes will enable low income Somali patients to access quality healthcare services and provide better value for money spent on healthcare.

Vison & Mission


To be the representing, reference, and advocacy body for the non-state health sector in Somaliland.


To bring all private health service providers (non-state) sector stakeholders under one umbrella body for the purpose of improving health services, advocating policy change, promoting and championing the interests of the private health sector.

Overall Objective

To organise private service providers into a network that delivers quality, affordable, and inclusive health services across Somaliland.

Groups & Sub Sectors

Our Partners